
Fairway Divorce

Fairway Divorce Solutions is Canada’s leading divorce mediation company. Since 2006, Fairway has led the way to disrupt an outdated and overpriced system of divorce that too often fractured families emotionally and financially. Based on her costly divorce experience and a belief that there was a better, more fair way to divorce, Karen Stewart founded and grew Fairway to the industry leader it is today with franchises in BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and Ontario. The team at Fairway offers proven and patented processes that have saved families millions of dollars, thousands of hours and, most importantly, helped countless children lead better lives.

Bumble Bees Venture Capital

After navigating the world of commerce and finance, which is largely dominated by men, Karen Stewart has mapped out the common land mines and pitfalls of accessing capital, particularly for female entrepreneurs. With that knowledge, Karen started Bumble Bees Venture Capital to put money in the hands of women leading private companies offering innovative solutions to significant problems and making a positive impact on the world. The big goal is to change the world, and Karen which Karen and her team of pollinators are doing one solid business plan at a time.

©2021 Karen Stewart. All rights reserved.